• Nicotine substitute cytisine effective at helping smokers to quit

    Updated: 2011-09-30 11:24:00
    Nicotine substitute cytisine has been shown to more than triples a person's chances of quitting smoking for at least a year.

  • Tiny blood vessels may help heart attack survivors

    Updated: 2011-09-30 07:06:38
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Tiny blood vessels may help heart attack survivors POSTED September 30, 2011 11:36 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Simmy Mishra on September 30, 2011 18:50 The heart maintains it own back-up system’ that comes into operation if main arteries get blocked , scientists have . found According to the findings of a new study conducted by the researchers at the University College London , tiny blood vessels in

  • Modern Shift Work Patterns May Be Less Harmful to Health

    Updated: 2011-09-30 00:37:35
    Health News Modern Shift Work Patterns May Be Less Harmful to Health Print E-mail THURSDAY , Sept . 29 HealthDay News Working rotating shifts is not as potentially unhealthy as it used to be , according to new Canadian research that suggests modern shift patterns may not carry the same risks for cancer as older , more extreme shift . schedules Recent research has suggested shift work could increase the risk of cancer , although the biological mechanism responsible for this observation is still unknown , the study's lead author , Anne Grundy , a doctoral student in the Queen's University department of community health and epidemiology in Ontario , said in a university news release . Our study indicates that the now common rotating shift pattern of day-day-night-night may not disrupt

  • Beta Blockers could stop breast cancer spreading

    Updated: 2011-09-30 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists are investigating whether beta-blockers hold the key to preventing breast cancer spread and improving survival. Promising early results will be presented on the eve of breast cancer awareness month at the Royal Society of Medicine, today.

  • Dementia patients, laughter evolves as a new best medicine --study

    Updated: 2011-09-29 12:52:30
    , Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Dementia patients , laughter evolves as a new best medicine study POSTED September 29, 2011 17:22 POSTED BY Yasser Ali Last edited by Simmy Mishra on September 30, 2011 10:06 New research has demonstrated that laughter can be clinically beneficial for those suffering from . dementia The study spanned a period of three years , and surveyed over 30 nursing homes and 400 residents . Called the SMILE study ,

  • Women and men prone to heart disease at par – study

    Updated: 2011-09-29 07:15:43
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Women and men prone to heart disease at par study POSTED September 29, 2011 11:45 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Simmy Mishra on September 30, 2011 16:43 While men have always been considered to be more prone to cardiac ailments , increasing number of young women are skewing the trend , researchers . say According to the findings of a study conducted by Golwilkar Metropolis Health Services , a

  • Cancer Patients Should Ask Doctors to Use Simple Terms

    Updated: 2011-09-29 05:42:42
    Health News Cancer Patients Should Ask Doctors to Use Simple Terms Print E-mail WEDNESDAY , Sept . 28 HealthDay News Cancer patients are often faced with many difficult-to-understand treatment choices that can have serious side effects and even mean the difference between life and . death That's why it's crucial that patients insist doctors use plain language in explaining the options , advised Angela Fagerlin , an associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School and a researcher at the U-M Comprehensive Cancer . Center People are making life and death decisions that may affect their survival and they need to know what they're getting themselves into . Cancer treatments and tests can be serious . Patients need to know what kind of side effects they

  • Tobacco control policies 'bring healthcare savings'

    Updated: 2011-09-29 00:02:00
    Tobacco control policies implemented by national governments not only improve the health of a nation, but are also good for the economy, according to a new report in the Lancet medical journal.

  • Sep 28, Colonoscopy not always reliable

    Updated: 2011-09-28 22:09:39
    I got a colonoscopy as we all are advised to do. The result was fine...they said to come back in 10 years. Two and one half years later, I was found

  • Sep 28, Diagnosis for colon cancer?

    Updated: 2011-09-28 22:07:30
    My father, who is 69, a heavy smoker, drinker, who does not exercise etc, had a colonoscopy yesterday, which they could not finish,as his body had not

  • Sep 28, 32 months after colorectal cancer diagnosis

    Updated: 2011-09-28 22:06:40
    It has been 20 months since my reversal. I had chemo, radiation, surgery and more chemo before the reversal. I am still having days when I must be near

  • Sep 28, Can a pileup get large and thick in five Months

    Updated: 2011-09-28 22:05:57
    Can a pileup grow thick and large in only five months and be ok

  • Sep 28, colonoscopy and alcohol

    Updated: 2011-09-28 22:05:45
    What happens if you drink alcohol before your colonscop

  • Sep 28, Colon Cancer stool color

    Updated: 2011-09-28 22:05:20
    What color do your stool turn?

  • Sep 28, colonoscopy and white wine

    Updated: 2011-09-28 22:04:59
    can you drink white wine

  • TNF Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis Boosts Skin Cancer Risk

    Updated: 2011-09-28 21:42:00
    Health News TNF Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis Boosts Skin Cancer Risk Print E-mail WEDNESDAY , Sept . 7 HealthDay News Treating rheumatoid arthritis RA patients with tumor necrosis factor TNF inhibitors appears to increase their risk of developing skin cancer , a new review of prior research . indicates However , TNF inhibitors , which include infliximab Remicade adalimunab Humira and etanercept Enbrel do not appear to boost the risk for developing other forms of cancer , the researchers . added The findings stem from an analysis of 21 previous studies conducted between 1998 and 2010, as well as eight study summaries that had been presented at research conferences during the same timeframe . All the studies had focused on the potential for cancer risk in association with the use of

  • Researchers find why some specific prostate cancers develop fast

    Updated: 2011-09-28 10:11:47
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Researchers find why some specific prostate cancers develop fast POSTED September 28, 2011 14:41 POSTED BY Anter Prakash Singh Last edited by Simmy Mishra on September 28, 2011 20:31 A recent study from the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Centre explains in a detailed assessment of 23 genetic codes why some prostate cancer types evolve at a very high speed and become resistant to . treatment During their

  • HPV testing in screening programme saves 3,500 women from unnecessary tests

    Updated: 2011-09-28 00:01:00
    Testing for the human papillomavirus (HPV) as part of cervical screening reduces the number of women unnecessarily going on for further tests by over a third, new research shows today.

  • Gene discovery could yield new blood test for myelodysplastic syndromes

    Updated: 2011-09-27 16:09:00
    Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridgeshire have discovered that faults in a gene called SF3B1 are more common among people with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) - a group of conditions that affect the bone marrow and blood, and can lead to leukaemia.

  • Researchers uncover gene associated with blood cancers prevalent in over 60s

    Updated: 2011-09-27 13:21:18
    A genomic study of chronic blood cancer - a precursor to leukaemia - has discovered gene mutations that could enable diagnosis using only a blood test, avoiding the need for an invasive and paread more

  • Cancer protein helps regulate memory

    Updated: 2011-09-27 11:46:49
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Cancer protein helps regulate memory POSTED September 27, 2011 16:16 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Simmy Mishra on September 27, 2011 17:34 In another medical breakthrough in cancer study , researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School , claim to have discovered a cancer protein that plays crucial in regulating . memory Cyclin E , the newly discovered cancer protein ,

  • Fruits, veggies affect bowel differently

    Updated: 2011-09-27 10:55:36
    , Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Fruits , veggies affect bowel differently POSTED September 27, 2011 15:25 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Simmy Mishra on September 27, 2011 17:17 Keeping a variety in fruits and vegetables in our daily diet cut down colo-rectal cancer risks , researchers say . More importantly , the different types of fruit and vegetables affect the bowel differently , researchers . add According to a new research ,

  • Medical research organisations urge reform of clinical trials

    Updated: 2011-09-26 16:11:00
    Top medical research organisations are today (Monday) calling on the European Union for urgent reforms to the way clinical trials are regulated across the continent.

  • Alpha particles used to treat prostate cancer that has spread to bone

    Updated: 2011-09-26 16:02:00
    An experimental drug that delivers small doses of radiation to cancer that has spread to the bone has proved effective in treating patients with an advanced form of prostate cancer.

  • Virus discovery may aid treatment of children's brain tumour

    Updated: 2011-09-26 15:01:00
    A large proportion of medulloblastomas - the most common malignant brain tumour in children - are infected with a virus, according to work published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

  • Study finds best way to give radiotherapy after breast cancer surgery

    Updated: 2011-09-25 06:01:00
    A Cancer Research UK-funded study has shown that giving radiotherapy between or during chemotherapy cycles to women with early breast cancer significantly reduces the risk of the disease returning.

  • Sep 24, Diagnosing Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-24 21:40:36
    If my CT scan didn't show anything abnormal, can I still have colon cancer

  • Sep 23, diet after colon cancer surgery

    Updated: 2011-09-23 20:59:19
    My daughter's fiance was just diagnosed with stage 3 signet ringcell colon cancer. 1/2 of the colon was removed and reattached. 8 out of 24 lymph nodes

  • Sep 23, Colon Cancer Surgery?

    Updated: 2011-09-23 20:58:53
    I had 4 polyps removed in June and a 4cm lesion was found. Part of it was removed and found to be precancerous. Went back in aug for another attempt to

  • Sep 23, Living With Stage IV Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-23 01:49:36
    I am a proud Veteran of the USAF. During the Vietnam era, I served stateside. I have been using the Amarillo VA Hospital since 1994, when I relocated

  • Sep 23, chemotherapy - surgery incision hurts

    Updated: 2011-09-23 01:42:40
    while taking chemotherapy tablets after colon cancer, my cut where i had the operation is very sore. Is this normal

  • Sep 23, Rectal cancer stage 3b treatment

    Updated: 2011-09-23 01:41:36
    I am Mr rabindra Kumar Das,has undergone abdominoperrineal operation, Now the biopsy report is showing stage 3b. Is it curable?, Please provide some way

  • Sep 23, 1/4 teaspoon of ice cream eaten before tomorrow's colonoscopy

    Updated: 2011-09-23 01:40:37
    My case is at 7a.m...it's 330 pm. on prep day. I haven't started to cleanse yet...waiting for my first bowel movement. Did I mess the whole thing up?

  • Sep 23, Is another colonoscopy usual 3 months after the first one was done?

    Updated: 2011-09-23 01:40:05
    My friend had a colonoscopy 3 months ago. 3 polyps were removed. 2 weeks after the procedure he had rectal bleeding. Why would he need another colonoscopy

  • Sep 23, Chances of Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-23 01:39:38
    My father had colon cancer. I have had diverticulitis several times and have had 18 of my colon removed. Are my odds greater to have colon colon

  • Skin cancer expert to lead Manchester's Paterson Institute

    Updated: 2011-09-22 11:12:00
    CANCER RESEARCH UK and The University of Manchester have appointed Professor Richard Marais to be the next director of the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research in Manchester.

  • Scientists find first ever 'gene fusion' in ovarian cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-21 09:50:00
    In a world's first, US researchers have found a particular gene fault - called a gene fusion - is present in a significant proportion of difficult-to-treat ovarian cancers.

  • Prostate cancer drug abiraterone launched in UK

    Updated: 2011-09-21 00:01:00
    A new prostate cancer drug, developed with support from Cancer Research UK, has been launched in the UK following its licensing by the European Medicines Authority.

  • Sep 20, colonoscopy while having chemo treatments

    Updated: 2011-09-20 16:48:35
    I am having chemotherapy for breast cancer and am half way through. Can I schedule a colonoscopy while this is going on

  • Sep 20, cancerous polyps

    Updated: 2011-09-20 16:48:16
    My mother had polyps removed from her colon, and was told some were cancerous. Does this mean she has colon cancer

  • Sep 20, impact of stopping medication at stage 4 colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-20 16:47:47
    My Father-in-law is at last stage of colon cancer. He is being treated with Chemo. He is totally bed-ridden and unable to make any decisions about his

  • Sep 20, Colorectal Cancer surgery wound that has not healed.

    Updated: 2011-09-20 16:47:10
    My husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer Jan. 2009. He underwent radiation treatment, then chemotherapy prior to surgery in June 2010. He has

  • Sep 20, Prognosis for 85 y/o man with bladder and colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-20 16:46:30
    My father just had about a foot of his large intestine removed due to a mass that was preventing bowel movements. It has been found that he does have

  • Sep 20, colon cancer and low grade dysphagia of the colon

    Updated: 2011-09-20 16:45:55
    what treatment is available for low grade dysphagia of the colon, other than colostomy. my dad has colitis and has developed LGD . he is 84 years old and

  • Glowing cells guide ovarian cancer surgery

    Updated: 2011-09-19 16:18:00
    Dutch surgeons have performed the first ever surgical procedures on ovarian cancer patients using new technology that illuminates ovarian cancer cells, making it easier to detect and remove tumours.

  • New insight into how alcohol is linked to breast and liver cancers

    Updated: 2011-09-16 08:23:00
    A US laboratory study has revealed how the breakdown of alcohol in human cells results in DNA damage that causes cell changes linked to cancer.

  • Report reveals global breast and cervical cancer trends

    Updated: 2011-09-15 14:10:00
    There has been an increase in the number of new breast cancer cases diagnosed worldwide, while the burden of cervical cancer in the developing world has also increased, a report has revealed.

  • Protein prompting cells to sprout legs could cause skin cancer to spread

    Updated: 2011-09-14 17:01:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have discovered that a protein called Rac1 prompts pigment cells to sprout long 'legs' that could propel skin cancer cells, allowing them to spread, according to research published in Developmental Cell today.

  • Sep 14, End Stage Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-14 12:32:39
    I'm trying to find out what the symptoms are for the timeline in end stage colon cancer. My mother has stage 4 colon cancer and has rejected treatment.

  • Sep 14, Dying colon

    Updated: 2011-09-14 12:30:45
    what can cause the colon to die in an elderly woman

  • Sep 14, colon resection

    Updated: 2011-09-14 12:30:30
    will i have a tube in my nose or throat after surger

  • Sep 14, Colon Cancer Returning?

    Updated: 2011-09-14 12:30:08
    I had an ileostomy operation in 1979 when I was 16 for FAP and 18 months ago I was diagnosed with cancer in the Duodenum and had a Whipple procedure surgery

  • Sep 14, Bowel, Colon Cancer suspected

    Updated: 2011-09-14 12:29:31
    Hi my names Kim and I've been suffering since before xmas 2011 with chronic diareah, blood on paper, itching, aneamia, tiredness and night sweats. As

  • New technique shows how 'cancer-fighting' white blood cells kill diseased tissue

    Updated: 2011-09-13 22:01:00
    Scientists from Imperial College London and the University of Oxford have used a super-resolution microscope to capture how certain white blood cells - called natural killer (NK) cells - kill diseased tissue in greater detail than ever before.

  • Contraceptive intrauterine devices could reduce risk of cervical cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-13 00:02:00
    Contraceptive intrauterine devices (IUDs) could substantially reduce the risk of women developing cervical cancer, new research from Spain shows.

  • Tobacco displays increase the odds of teens becoming smokers

    Updated: 2011-09-10 11:23:00
    YOUNG people who find tobacco displays in shops attractive and who easily recall seeing the displays have a greater chance of becoming a smoker according to a new Cancer Research UK funded research study published in Nicotine and Tobacco Research* today.

  • Sep 9, Lighter Life diet and Cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-09 17:30:17
    I am wondering if anyone has ever been on the Lighter Life diet and now suffering with colon cancer or any other cancer? I feel there may be a link due

  • Strategy to conquer cancer drug resistance uncovered

    Updated: 2011-09-09 08:20:00
    US scientists have identified a way in which cancer cells can become resistant to the cancer drug cetuximab (Erbitux), and suggest that treatments that are already available might be able to overcome this resistance.

  • Plain packaging removes cigarettes' appeal

    Updated: 2011-09-08 14:38:00
    Removing branding and wrapping cigarettes in plain packaging helps remove the appeal of smoking according to new a Cancer Research UK funded study published in Tobacco Control. The researchers found that more women than men smoked less and found smoking less enjoyable when using the plain packs.

  • European licence granted for targeted lung cancer treatment

    Updated: 2011-09-07 19:39:00
    Swiss pharmaceutical firm Roche has been granted a European licence to market erlotinib (Tarceva) as a first-line treatment for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who carry a particular genetic change in their tumours.

  • Antibodies can target cancer proteins inside cells, say Singapore researchers

    Updated: 2011-09-07 19:01:00
    Scientists in Singapore have shown that antibody-based therapies can be used to target proteins inside cancer cells, overturning the traditional view that only proteins on the surface of cells can be targeted.

  • Sep 7, Life threatening diarrhea after colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-07 10:56:38
    My mom has only 10 of her colon left after stage 4 colon cancer with no disease present. It has been about 4 months and she cant stop having dirreaha.

  • Report shows early diagnosis key to improving pancreatic cancer survival

    Updated: 2011-09-07 01:30:00
    Patients with pancreatic cancer in the UK appear to have lower survival rates, on average, than patients in other developed countries, according to a report by the charity Pancreatic Cancer UK.

  • Cancer Research UK launches trial to treat brain cancer which has returned

    Updated: 2011-09-07 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK¿s Drug Development Office has opened a trial of a new combination of drugs for the treatment of patients with brain cancer.

  • Potential new way to treat childhood leukaemia identified

    Updated: 2011-09-05 17:06:00
    An international team of scientists has discovered a potential new treatment target for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL), according to work published in Nature Genetics.

  • Sep 5, diarrhea 2 years after colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-05 10:37:43
    colon cancer survey after two year and still have diarrhe

  • Sep 5, what if the patient who has a stage 4 colon cancer didnt take chemotherapy?

    Updated: 2011-09-05 10:37:14
    what will happen to him

  • Bacteria shed light on new drug targets for inherited cancers

    Updated: 2011-09-04 18:00:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have succeeded in purifying a protein found in bacteria that could reveal new drug targets for inherited breast and ovarian cancers - and other cancers linked to DNA repair faults. The study is published in the journal Nature today (Sunday).

  • Sep 4, MY son's colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-04 14:43:40
    My son who is 33 yrs old had colonoscopy done and told he has colon cancer. He also had a CT scan and came back positive and only one lymph node is swollen.

  • Sep 4, My Brother & Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-09-04 14:42:47
    On April 9, 2011 my brother was diagnosed with colon cancer. Once we were told we were not sadden we just wanted to focus on treatment. The doctors never

  • Sep 4, why is colon cancer getting worse despite treatment?

    Updated: 2011-09-04 14:40:45
    I have anal canver stage4 terminal they said...I have had all the radiation treatments I can get did okay for about 6 months it has reacured and have

  • Sep 4, flat lesion 2cm in size in colon

    Updated: 2011-09-04 14:39:57
    I had a colonoscopy in June and found 4 polyps and a 2cm flat lesion, the polyps were removed and they tried to remove the lesion. Got some of it and it

  • Sep 4, stomach pain is maybe colon cancer?

    Updated: 2011-09-04 14:39:23

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